Since day one, Haynes has been all about helping you, the home mechanic, to carry out your own repairs on your vehicles. Here, we celebrate those who use their spare time and Haynes Manuals to repair and improve their pride and joy.
DIY champion: Gari Machin, Dover, Kent, UK
Vehicle: 1978 Suzuki GS400E
It’s amazing the things that people keep in sheds – yard equipment, inflatable pools, tools, paint, a 45-year-old motorcycle, grass seed… wait, what?
Yes, an old motorbike. Gari Machin was fortunate enough to notice a 1978 Suzuki GS400E languishing in a nearby shed, and an idea took hold – he would acquire the bike and get it back on the road.
Negotiations with the owner followed, during which Gari found out that the GS had been in the shed for the past 15 years. Money changed hands, and the Suzuki was extricated from beneath the pile of detritus that seemingly accumulates in everyone’s shed.

Motorbike restoration
What next? Well, Gari was keen to get the bike going, and his first port of call was Haynes, where he found the manual for the motorcycle he’d just invested in.
And then began a project that extended far beyond just getting it back on the road, and instead became a full-on rejuvenation.
As Gari says: “It has undergone a total restoration and engine rebuild which couldn't have been done without the comprehensive Haynes workshop manual.”
Gari has provided before and after images of his beloved Suzuki, which we think you’ll agree show that the bike has undergone quite the transformation from being dusty and unloved to full-on concours classic.

Gari’s tale is exactly why we want to hear your stories of the satisfaction, frustration, bleeding knuckles and sheer joy that you experience while keeping your vehicle on the road, or giving an old car or motorcycle and new lease of life.
Your DIY journey doesn’t have to be as full-on as Gari’s, because just servicing your car or motorbike can also be a source of delight, so we’d love you to show us what you’re working on and how you’re using Haynes to help you out.
Just send us a few details about yourself and your vehicle to (our UK colleagues will be in touch).
Tell us about any issues you’ve encountered or any problems you foresee, plus a few pictures, and we’ll feature you on our website and social channels.
After all, fixing your car or motorcycle isn’t actually that difficult, and can bring feelings of gratification and exhilaration. It will also save you a whole load of money, so let’s tell everyone about it.