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You can have faith in Haynes, thanks to Trustpilot

You can have faith in Haynes, thanks to Trustpilot

2 minute read

Companies simply don’t survive unless people trust the products they make, so the fact that Haynes has been around for more than 60 years proves that you can rely on the manuals and online information we produce.

And if you want a second opinion (always worth getting), simply check out our reviews on Trustpilot. There, you’ll find that people know they can come to Haynes for advice, information, knowledge and experience. Our manuals take time to put together, because we carry out thorough research on makes and models beforehand, then strip down and rebuild various versions of each car, where required.

This fastidiousness is what Haynes is renowned for, and is why we’ve earned a Trustpilot rating of 4.1 stars (out of 5). We also earn a full five-star rating from 63% of the people who use our products, both paper and online.

Happy Haynes customers!

Our reviewers include ‘johna’, whose 2018 Ford F-150 was vandalised by a squirrel. The rodent got into the wiring and chewed up the wiring for a sensor. However, as he says: “Manual helped me locate a sensor and I was able to re-wire the harness a squirrel chewed up! Damn squirrel! Good going Haynes.” Presumably, John is now off to invest in some rodent repellent. Thank you for the five-star review, John.

JohnA Trustpilot review

Mac McMillan is another fan. He’s using his manual to keep his Suzuki GSX-R from the early 2000s in fine fettle. We love two-wheeled travel, so can get fully behind that. Thanks for the “Informative manual at a very reasonable price” comment, Mac.

Try Haynes, then give us a rating

Repairing your own vehicle can sometimes feel daunting, but it really needn’t be. Vehicles are simply big bits of metal and plastic held together by bolts and screws, and once you can follow a procedure on paper, it’s pretty easy in the real world.

Better still, fixing something that wouldn’t run brings a huge feeling of satisfaction, on top of which you’ll have saved yourself a vast sum of money by not paying garage labour rates.

And that’s what Haynes is – a voice of experience and calmness guiding you through each task on the way to getting mobile once more.

Mac McMillan Trustpilot review

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